
The Doc component fetches data from a Firestore document. If Firebase is not initialized it is automatically initialized before fetching the document.

Doc relies on Cloud Firestore Lite SDK to provide a light and fast access to Firestore documents.

Fetch a document

	import { Doc } from 'sveltekit-fire';

<Doc path={'posts/postId'} let:data={post}>
	<!-- yay, the document loaded -->

If Firebase isn't initialized by the time you use Doc, it will automatically be initialized based on your .env config

Enable console logs

	import { Doc } from 'sveltekit-fire';

<Doc path={'posts/postId'} let:data={post} log>
    <!-- yay, the document loaded with console logs -->

Loading State

	import { Doc } from 'sveltekit-fire';

<Doc path={'posts/postId'} log let:data={post}>
	<!-- yay, the document loaded -->
	<div slot="loading">Loading</div>

Error Handling

	import { Doc } from 'sveltekit-fire';

<Doc path={'posts/postId'} log let:data={post} let:error>
	<!-- yay, the document loaded -->
	<div slot="loading">Loading</div>
	<div slot="fallback">Encontered an error: {error}</div>


Doc props

path String | Document Reference
log Display console logs
Default: false
maxWait Number Default: 10000
Timeout to fetch data in ms
data Variable where the data from the document is stored
error Variable where the error message is stored if an error occurs

Doc slots

loading Initial state of the component. Is shown before data is fetched or an error occurs
fallback Rendered if an error occurs
default Default slot rendered when document data is loaded
before Rendered before the document
after Rendered after the document

Doc events

on:data Dispatched when the document has loaded containing it's data
on:ref Dispatched when the document reference is created, usefull for updates

When you need to access document that are private to authenticated users, you can use it in inside a User component.

With Realtime Updates

If you need to use Firestore realtime updates and have your page react to updates on a document use DocRealtime instead of Doc

It's powered by Firestore's Realtime Updates

	import { DocRealtime } from 'sveltekit-fire';

<DocRealtime path={'posts/postId'} log let:data={post} let:error>
	 the document loaded and it will automatically 
	 rerender if the document changes
	<div slot="loading">Loading</div>
	<div slot="fallback">Encontered an error: {error}</div>